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MASH Matters

Sep 15, 2023

Let's go to the phones... again! Jeff & Ryan listen to your (mostly) friendly voicemails and answer (mostly) your questions! Topics include quoting M*A*SH, scheduling around the weather, re-recording Igor's lines, Trapper John MD, and assigning blame for Henry's departure. Fill up the canvas bathtub, listen, and enjoy!

Sep 14, 2023

Finally! At long last, we are thrilled to announce that the new updated 50th Anniversary edition of Jeff's cookbook "Secrets of the M*A*S*H Mess" is now available for purchase!


NOTE: Please buy only the 50th Anniversary Edition. All other copies...

Sep 1, 2023

You grumbled, we listened! In this episode of MASH Matters, listeners share their LEAST favorite episodes of M*A*S*H. In addition to the usual suspects, (i.e. "Dreams" and "Hawkeye"), we learn that some episodes are not as beloved as we previously thought! Plus, for the first time, Jeff & Ryan reveal their own least...